Budget Council

Appointment:  Six members elected by Faculty Senate

Chair:   Elected by Council


This council's area encompasses budget and fiscal matters as they involve the academic mission of the University, including the recommendation of budget priorities involving academics and research, the fiscal implications of the creation, modification or deletion of academic programs, the collection and dissemination of information about University budgeting and planning; and monitoring whether the allocation of resources is consistent with Faculty Senate actions and the University's long term and short term strategic plans

Term:  Three years staggered

Short URL:  http://fora.aa.ufl.edu/go/73

Budget Tools

(Open to all who have access to Enterprise Reporting. Access that is needed: UF_FI_UNIVERSAL_INQUIRY. If you experience log-in issues, please contact your  department security administrator (DSA) to confirm you have been assigned this role which is available to all faculty and staff; view additional details @: http://identity.it.ufl.edu/faqs/myufl-security/.)
The Firefox browser must be used to access this portal.
UF (Central Support Units) Financial Transparency Portal
UF (Colleges) Financial Transparency Portal

UF (Central Support Units) Financial Transparency Portal (Prior Year)
UF (Colleges) Financial Transparency Portal (Prior Year)

*** Video tutorial to using the UF(Colleges) financial transparency portal
*** Text guide to the UF (Colleges) Financial Transparency Portal
CFO Taylor Jantz's Jan 23, 2025 Facutly Senate Slides / Impact of NIH & F&A Cap, Feb 21, 2025
Major Mapping
Fiscal Year 2025 [July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2024 [July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation
snapshot:  SuppUnit

Fiscal Year 2023 [July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2022 [July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2021 [July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2020 [July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2019 [July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019]
Tuition by Dept.
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2018 [July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018]
Tuition by Dept  
State Appropriation & Tuition Allocation

Fiscal Year 2017 [July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017]
Tuition Collected by Department

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