University Curriculum Committee - Agenda: October 20, 2015
The UCC will meet on Tuesday, October 20, 2015 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in Marston Science Library Room L136. The agenda for this meeting is as follows:
1. Approval of minutes of September 15, 2015 meeting
2. Update from the Faculty Senate
3. Review of new features in Approval. Thomas Rush
6. Proposed addition of Mass Communication Studies minor in UFO. Effective spring 2016. Dr. Weigold
7. Proposed addition of Public Relations major in UFO. Effective fall 2016. Dr. Weigold
8. Proposed modification of Construction Management major. Effective fall 2016. Dr. Wehle
9. Proposed termination of B.S. in Packaging Science. Dr. Brendemuhl
10. Proposed modification of Food Science major. Effective spring 2016. Dr. Brendemuhl
12. Proposed modification of Digital Arts & Sciences platform. Effective spring 2017. Dr. Schaefer
13. Notice of items from the Academic Assessment Committee (information only)
- None
14. Notice of items from the Graduate School (information only)
- Close the concentration in Health Care Risk Management, Warrington College of Business Administration
- Petition from Edward Schaefer to participate in the Master of Arts in Latin at the University of Florida
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Master of Sustainable Development Practice requested the addition of one class (AGR 5277C) to major credit
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Master of Sustainable Development Practice requested to reduce the number of major credit hours required from 33 to 24 credits
- College of Public Health and Health Professions, Masters of Arts, Health Administration Program decreases overall credits from 63 to 57
- CIP code change from 14.0101 to 30.999 for the graduate certificate in Entrepreneurship
15. Notice of new graduate certificates (information only)
- None
16. Notice of changes to graduate certificates (information only)
Fine Arts
- Arts Administration
17. Proposed new undergraduate certificates
Design, Construction and Planning
Liberal Arts and Sciences
18. Proposed changes to undergraduate certificates
The Arts
Design, Construction and Planning
19. Proposed new professional certificates
- None
20. Proposed changes to professional certificates
Veterinary Medicine
21. Proposed new undergraduate courses
Agricultural and Life Sciences
The Arts
- DIG3XXX – Design & Production Colloquium
- DIG3XXX – Media & Storytelling Colloquium
- DIG3XXX – Systems Design Colloquium
Design, Construction and Planning
Liberal Arts and Sciences
22. Proposed changes to undergraduate courses
Agricultural and Life Sciences
- AEC4942 – Agricultural Education Internship
- SUR3331L – Photogrammetry Lab
- SUR3393L – Geographic Information Systems Lab
- SUR3501L – Spatial Measurement Systems Lab
The Arts
Liberal Arts and Sciences
- AMH4561 - American Women in Public
- MAP4305 - Differential Equations for Engineers and Physical Scientists
- PHH4644 - Continental Philosophy
23. Proposed new professional courses
- ENT7XXX - Entrepreneurship
- FIN7XXX - Corporate Finance
- FIN7XXX - International Business and Finance
- MAN7XXX - Leading Change
- MAN7XXX - Organizational Behavior - DBA
- MAN7XXX - Organizational Research Methods Seminar
- MAN7XXX - Strategic Management
- MAN7768 - Supply Chain Strategy
- MAR7XXX - Marketing Strategy Research Seminar
- MAR7637 - Quantitative Research Methods and Data Analysis
- QMB7565 - Statistical Research Methods
Veterinary Medicine
24. Proposed changes to professional courses
25. Proposed new joint courses
Agriculture and Life Sciences
26. Proposed changes to joint courses
- None
27. Proposed new 5000 level courses
The Arts
28. Proposed changes to 5000 level courses
- None
29. Notice of new graduate courses (information only)
Design, Construction and Planning
- DCP6218 – Developing Sustainable Projects
- MMC5435 – Messaging and Effective Offer-Response Methodologies
- MMC5436 - Strategy and the Centrality of the Value Proposition
Liberal Arts and Sciences
- RLG6185 – Religion, Nature, and Society
- PHA6254 – Structure, Process and Outcomes of Regulation II
Public Health and Health Professions
- PHC6521 – Fundamentals of Public Health Nutrition
30. Notice of changes to graduate courses (information only)
- GMS6804 – Medical Informatics
Public Health and Health Professions
- SPA5254 – Neurocognitive Language Disorders