University Curriculum Committee - Agenda: April 17, 2018
The UCC will meet on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Reitz Union Senate Chambers. The agenda for this meeting is as follows:
1. Approval of minutes of March 20, 2018 meeting
2. Update from the Faculty Senate
3. Discussion of Changes to the I, N Grade Policy and the Repeat Course Policy
4. Academic Calendar 2019 - 2023
6. Proposal to modify Microbiology and Cell Science, effective Fall 2018. Dr. Monika Oli
7. Proposal to modify Microbiology and Cell Science, effective Fall 2018. Dr. Monika Oli
8. Proposal to modify NWSA's Dance Curriculum, effective Fall 2018. Dr. Jennifer Setlow
9. Proposal to modify Public Relations curriculum, effective Summer 2018. Dr. Michael Weigold
11. Proposal to modify Art minor, effective Summer 2018. Dr. Jennifer Setlow
12. Proposal to modify Health Disparities in Society minor, effective Summer 2018. Dr. Banafsheh Moradi
13. Proposal to create new Doctor of Athletic Training program, effective Summer 2020. Sarah Eberhart
14. Notice of programs moving to UF Online (information only)
- None
15. Notice of items from the Academic Assessment Committee (information only)
- Academic Assessment Committee approved the Assessment plan for Nursing
16. Notice of items from the Graduate School (information only)
- None
17. Notice of new graduate certificates (information only)
- None
18. Notice of changes to graduate certificates (information only)
- None
19. Proposed new undergraduate certificates
- None
20. Proposed changes to undergraduate certificates
- Proposal to change title of Family Life Educator Certificate and adjust required courses
21. Proposed new professional certificates
- None
22. Proposed changes to professional certificates
- None
23. Proposed new undergraduate courses
Liberal Arts and Sciences
- EUS 3XXX - Directed Reading in European Studies
- EUS 3112 - History of Turks
- EUS 3131 - Islam and Turkey
- HBT 3XXX - Harry Potter and the Holocaust
- HBT 3XXX - The Merchant of Venice in Translation
- HBT 3XXX - Holocaust Novels
- TUR 1XXX - Intensive Beginning Turkish
- ZOO 4XXX - Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation
24. Proposed changes to undergraduate courses
- None
25. Proposed new professional courses
- None
26. Proposed changes to professional courses
Veterinary Medicine
27. Proposed new joint courses
28. Proposed changes to joint courses
- None
29. Proposed new 5000 level courses
- None
30. Proposed changes to 5000 level courses
- None
31. Notice of new graduate courses (information only)
- EEX 6XXX - Foundations of Literacy Development and Dyslexia
- EEX 6XXX - Dyslexia: Assessment for Intervention
- EEX 6XXX - Dyslexia: Intervention Methods
- EEX 6XXX - Dyslexia: Language and the Brain
- EEX 6XXX - Dyslexia: Practicum in Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention
Journalism and Communications
- MMC 5XXX - Understanding Audiences
32. Notice of changes to graduate courses (information only)
- None
33. Creation of Combined Degree; 12 credits ( information only)
- Combined BA/MA Economics, 12 credits