Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC)

Presidential Designee:  Provost

Appointment:  By President or the President's designee via nominations

Chair:  Appointed by Provost - Faculty who are not Athletic Representatives


  1. Recommend policy changes related to academic issues affecting or affected by intercollegiate athletics
  2. Monitor admissions and academic progress of all student athletes
  3. Monitor changes in NCAA and SEC rules and procedures relative to academic programs and progress
  4. Review with the UAA compliance officer the institution's compliance program
  5. Receive, review, and advise on various reports related to student athlete academic well-being (such as admissions, academic progress, or others as identified by the committee or UAA)
  6. Report to the faculty on issues related to intercollegiate athletics via the University Senate at least once per year
  7. Make additional recommendations to the President or the President's designee on any other matters related to academic issues affecting or affected by intercollegiate athletics

Term:  3 years staggered; N/A Liaisons; 1 year - Student

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