University Curriculum Committee - March 15, 2022

The UCC will meet on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., via Zoom teleconferencing.

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1. Approval of minutes. | Dr. Lindner

2. Update from the Faculty Senate. | Dr. Baweja



3. Proposed Combined Degree between the Bachelor of Science in Construction Management and the Master of Science in Construction Management in the College of Design, Construction and Planning | Dr. Chini | 16762

4. Proposed modification of critical tracking and elective courses in the Data Science Major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Dr. Spillane | 16662

5. Proposed modification of the programming requirement and math science elective in the Statistics major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Dr. Spillane | 16648

6. Proposed addition of approved courses and electives to meet the requirements for the Biology major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Dr. Spillane | 16901

7. Proposed modification to the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Dr. Spillane | 16757

8. Proposed adjustment of credits to the model semester plan of the Physics major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Dr. Spillane | 17011

9. Proposed removal and replacement of “Programming electives” in the Statistics major in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Dr. Spillane | 16649

10. Proposed curriculum changes to the Education Sciences major in the College of Education | Dr. Smith-Bonahue | 16916

11. Proposed Early Childhood Studies Minor within the Bachelor of Arts in Education Sciences Degree | Dr. Smith-Bonahue | 17015

12. Proposed curriculum update to the CSE program model semester plan in the College of Engineering | Dr. Taylor | 17036

13. Proposed addition of the Management and Sales in Agribusiness minor in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences to UF Online | Dr. Brendemuhl | 16867

14. Proposed modification of the course sequence of the Communication Sciences and Disorders major in the College of Public Health and Health Professions | Dr. Gauger | 16997


Academic Assessment Committee 

15. Notice of items from the Academic Assessment Committee (information only).


Graduate School

16. Notice of items from the Graduate School (information only). | Stacy Wallace




17. Notice of new graduate certificates (information only).

18. Notice of changes to graduate certificates (information only).



19. Proposed new undergraduate certificates.

20. Proposed changes to undergraduate certificates.



21. Proposed new professional certificates.

22. Proposed changes to professional certificates.




23. Proposed new undergraduate courses.


Health and Human Performance

Liberal Arts and Sciences

24. Proposed changes to undergraduate courses.



Journalism and Communications

Liberal Arts and Sciences


25. Proposed new professional courses.


26. Proposed changes to professional courses.




27. Proposed new joint courses.



Liberal Arts and Sciences


28. Proposed changes to joint courses.



29. Proposed new 5000 level courses.

30. Proposed changes to 5000 level courses.



31. Notice of new graduate courses (information only).

32. Notice of changes to graduate courses (information only).