University Curriculum Committee - Agenda March 25, 2025


The UCC will meet on Tuesday, March 25th, 2025 at 1:00p.m. in the Reitz Union Senate Chambers.



March 2025 Review Document 






Approval of February Minutes



Faculty Senate Updates - Dr. van Oostrom


Updates from Academic Assessment Committee - Dr. Lissette Tolentino - Approved - Approved - Approved - Approved - Approved - Approved - Conditionally approved pending rubric for assessment method used for SLO 1-3  - Approved – Conditionally approved pending clarification on SLO 1, specifically what percentage needed to meet goal. – Recycled due to clarification needed on rationale for program goals, more info on the assessment methods,  and sample rubric. – recycled due to same reasons listed above + clarification on SLO 3 & 4 (oral and written communication) only being assessed in the final course. Committee found it odd due to the courses. Only assessing once not a deal breaker, but what the assessment method is could be, and no rubric was provided.



New Programs: 

Design, Construction and Planning 

1. New Degree - Bachelor of Urban Sciences and Planning



2. Proposed Creation of a New Cybersecurity Specialization for the Computer Engineering Bachelor of Science


Hamilton Center

3. New Degree Program - American Government, History, Literature, and Law (AGHLL) - BA

4. New Degree Program – War, Statecraft and Strategy (WSS) - BA


Liberal Arts and Sciences

5. BA in Hebrew


Changes to Existing Programs: 

Agricultural and Life Sciences

6. UF AEC – TCH Online



7. BA Art History - Major

8. BA Dance

9. BA Music

10. BA Music - Event Management

11. BA Stage Management

12. BA Theatre General

13. BA Theatre Management

14. BFA Acting

15. BFA Dance

16. BFA Musical Theatre

17. BFA Theatre Production – Digital Media

18. BFA Theatre Production – Lighting

19. BFA Theatre Production – Scenery

20. BFA Theatre Production – Sound

21. BFA TP – Costume

22. Music Business and Entrepreneurship

23. Music Composition

24. Music Education – Instrumental

25. Music Education – Vocal

26. Music History and Literature

27. Music History and Literature – Ethnomusicology

28. Music in Combination with an Outside Field

29. Music Performance – Instrumental

30. Music Performance – Vocal

31. Music Theory

32. Music Theory and Composition



33. Remove GE-Diversity:  ACT_BSAC

34. Remove GE-Diversity: BABA_BAG

35. Remove GE-Diversity: BSBA_BAG

36. Remove GE-Diversity: BSBA_FIN

37. Remove GE-Diversity: BSBA_IST

38. Remove GE-Diversity: BSBA_MGT

39. Remove GE-Diversity: BSBA_MKG



40. Proposed 3rd Curriculum Modification to the B.S. Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering

41. Related Mechanical Engineering changes, also consolidated into Model Semester Plan attached in item 40: 

Proposed Curriculum Modification to the B.S. Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering

Proposed Supplementary Curriculum Modification to the B.S. Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering

42. BS – Biomedical Engineering – (Credit Reduction) Degree

43. BS - Biomedical Engineering - (Gen Ed Change)

44. BS -- Chemical Engineering (Reduction of Credit Hours) Degree

45. Chemical Engineering Curriculum change 2

46. BS - Biological Engineering

47. BS - Industrial and Systems Engineering

48. BSEE 2025-2026 Updates

49. Computer Engineering (CpE) BS - Adjustment of Catalog, Model Semester, Science Course, and Elective Requirements

50. EVE curriculum change - change to Gen Ed and graphics elective

51. Gen Ed Modifications to the CSE Major Catalog Computer Science BS. in the College of Engineering

52. LEVEL-CIVIL ENGINEERING (BS Civil Engineering)

53. Nuclear Curriculum Change

54. Proposed Curriculum Modification to the B.S. Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering

55. Proposed Supplementary Curriculum Modification to the B.S. Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering

56. Updating DAS Degree Program  - Gen ED Writing Requirement


Journalism and Communications

57. Advertising: Model Plan Quest/Gen Ed

58. Journalism BS Journalism: Model Plan (Quest/Gen Ed)

59. Journalism Sports and Media: Model Plan Quest/Gen Ed

60. Public Relations Gen Ed/Quest split

61. Change MPMT Production track

62. Combine MPMT tracks into Media Management and Technology

63. Sunset Management and Strategy Track


Liberal Arts and Sciences

64. AFA_BA African American Studies

65. APY_BA Anthropology

66. APY_BA Anthropology (UFO)

67. APY_BS Anthropology

68. ASP_BS Astrophysics

69. ATY_BA Astronomy

70. BIO_BA Biology

71. BIO_BA Biology (UFO)

72. BIO_BS03 Integrative Biology

73. BIO_BS04 Preprofessional Biology

74. BOT_BS01 Botanical Research

75. BOT_BS02 General Botany

76. Change LIN 3010 to LIN 2010 in LIN Major

77. CHY_BS_BS Chemistry

78. CHY_BS01 Biochemistry

79. CLC_BA01 Ancient Language

80. CLC_BA02 Modern Greek

81. CLC_BA03 Teacher Certification (Classics)

82. CLC_BA04 Classical Civilization

83.  CRI_BA Criminology

84. CSC_BS Computer Science

85. DAT_BS Data Science

86. ECO_BA Economics

87. EH_BA English

88. FAF_BA African Languages

89. FAR_BA Arabic

90. FCH_BA Chinese

91. FDU_BA Dual Languages

92. FFR_BA French and Francophone Studies

93. FGR_BA German

94. FIT_BA Italian

95. FJA_BA Japanese

96. FRU_BA Russian

97. Geography (BS) quest 3 modification

98. GLY_BA Geology (UFO)

99. GLY_BS Geology

100. GPY_BA Geography

101. GPY_BA01 Environmental Geosciences

102. GPY_BA02 Medical Geography in Global Health

103. GPY_BA03 Geographical Science and Sustainability (BA)

104. HLL_BA01 Spanish

105. HLL_BA02 Portuguese

106. HLL_BA03 Spanish and Portuguese

107. HY_BA History

108. HY_BA01 Legal History

109. INS_BA International Studies

110. JST_BA Jewish Studies

111. JST_BA01 Hebrew Language (Jewish Studies)

112. Close BA in Hebrew (Foreign Languages and Literatures)

113. MAR_BS Marine Sciences

114. MAT_BA Mathematics

115. MAT_BS Mathematics

116. Medical Geography BS quest 3 modifications

117. MET_BS01 Applied Meteorology, Hazards, and Global Change

118. MET_BS02 Broadcast Meteorology

119. MET_BS03 General Atmospheric Sciences

120. POL_BA Political Science

121. PPY_BA Philosophy

122. PS_BA Physics

123. PS_BS Physics

124. PS_BS01 Optics (Physics)

125. PS_BS02 Nanoscience

126. PS_BS03 Medical Physics

127. PSY_BA Psychology (BA, UFO)

128. PSY_BS General Psychology

129. PSY_BS01 Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience (Psychology)

130. PSY_BS02 Behavior Analysis (Psychology)

131. RLN_BA Religion

132. SOC_BA Sociology

133. STA_BA Statistics

134. STA_BS Statistics



Public Health and Health Professions 

135. CSD Major Curriculum Modification




New Minors:

Liberal Arts and Sciences

136. GeoAI and Geographic Analysis Minor


Changes to Exisiting Minors:


137. Modify MUT_UMN Music Theory Minor

138. Modify MUP_UMN Music Performance minor

139. Modify MHE_UMN Music History Ethnomusicology minor


Liberal Arts and Sciences  

140. Change LIN 3010 to LIN 2010 in TSL Minor

141. Change LIN 3010 to LIN 2010 in LIN Minor


Public Health and Health Professions

142. CSD Minor Modification




New Undergraduate Certificates 

Changes to Existing Certificates 


143. AI Fundamentals and Applications Certificate modification

144. Terminate Advanced Engineering Ceramics Certificate

145. Terminate Biomaterials Certificate

146. Terminate Metallurgical Engineering Certificate

147. Terminate Polymer Science and Engineering Certificate

148. Terminate Semiconductor Materials Certificate


Liberal Arts and Sciences 

149. Change LIN 3010 to LIN 2010 in TSL Cert



Proposed New Undergraduate Courses: 

Agricultural and Life Sciences

150. ENY 2XXX: Bite Me? Insects as Disease Vectors (Q2 Perm.)

151. ENY 2XXX: Biodiversity in a Changing World (Q2 Perm.)

152. WIS 2XXX: Connecting Wildlife and Human Health (Q2 Perm.)

153. FAS 2XXX: Fresh Water for the Future (Q2 Perm.)




154. ART 1XXX - Visual Meaning and Representation (Quest 1 Perm)



155. GEB 3XXX: Transfer Success

156. MAR 2XXX: Exploring Careers in Marketing

157. GEB 2XXX: Advanced Presentation Skills and Principles of Case Analysis



Design, Construction and Planning

158. LAA2XXX_Landscape Architecture Experience 1

159. LAA 2XXX: Landscape Architecture Design Studio 2

160. LAA_3XXX_Landscape Architecture Experience 2

161. URP 4XXX – Urban Planning Studio 1

162. URP 4XXX – Urban Planning Studio 2



163. New Course EML4XXX: Undergraduate Realization Thesis

164. New Course EML4XXXC: Automation in Production Engineering

165. EEE 2xxx Technology and Its Impact on Society


Hamilton Center

166. ISS 1XXX – Mind: Brain or Soul – (Q1 Permanent)


Health and Human Performance

167. APK4xxx - AI in Action: Problem Solving in Health, Fitness and Human Performance

168. HSC 4XXX Research Methods in Health Education and Behavior

169. APK 2XXX - Career Perspectives in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology


Journalism and Communications

170. Create RTV 3XXX Sports Content Strategy

171. Create RTV 3XXX Brand Content Strategy and Planning

172. Create RTV 3XXX Film Set Workflow and Operations

173. Create RTV 3XXX Lighting for Film and Video

174. Create RTV 2XXX Digital Video Operations and Optics

175. Create RTV 2XXX Video Editing for Storytellers


Liberal Arts and Sciences 

176. BSC4XXX-Field Ecology & Data Analysis

177. Animals in Arabic Literature and Islamic Texts

178. Science, Technology, and Race

179. COM 2XXX: Siri is My Superpower: Communicating with Artificial Intelligence (Q2 Perm.)

180. ANT 2XXX The Slave Narrative



Proposed Changes to Undergraduate Courses:


181. DIG2632 - Creating Mobile Games (Course Modify - Title/Description)



182. GEB 4932 - Professional Dev Module

183. GEB3218: Relevel Course to 2,000

184. GEB3219: Relevel course to 2,000

185. GEB3213: Relevel course to 2,000


Design, Construction and Planning 

186. LAA2360c_Landscape Architecture Design Studio 1

187. LAA2710_History of Landscape Architecture

188. LAA3230_Theories of Landscape Architecture

189. LAA3350C_Landscape Architecture Design Studio 3

190. LAA4940_Landscape Architecture Internship

191. URP 4942 Urban Planning Internship

192. URP 4230 3D Modeling, Visualization, and Simulation

193. URP 4283 Automation for Geospatial Modeling and Analysis

194. URP 4640 Sustainable Urbanism in Europe

195. URP 4740 Housing and Urban Development

196. URP 4804 International Perspective in Urban and Regional Planning

197. URP 4882 Defensible Space & CPTED in Urban Design



198. EEL 3112 Circuit 2-pre-req change

199. EML2322L Design and Manufacturing Laboratory Prerequisites Change

200. EML3301C Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Prerequisites Change

201. Co-req change for ECH4224L Fluid and Energy Transfer Operations Laboratory

202. Prerequisite change for CIS4360

203. (BS - ISE) Prerequisite Update (ESI4356 Spreadsheet Based Decision Support Systems - 4 Credits)

204. (BS - ISE) Prerequisite Update (ESI4523)

205. (BS - ISE) Prerequisite Update (ESI4610)

206. Adding Pre-Requisite Course CIS 4914 Senior Design

207. EML2322L Design and Manufacturing Laboratory Prerequisites Change


Journalism and Communications

208. Add capstone prep as RTV4929c prereqs

209. Change RTV3320 to rotating topic

210. Add DVO and VES as RTV3511 prereqs

211. Change RTV3516 to two credits with 3511 prereq

212. Change RTV3581 to two credits with 3511 prereq

213. Change RTV3577 to two credits with 3511 prereq

214. Change RTV3108 to two credits with 3511 prereq

215. Change RTV3330 to two credits with 3511 prereq

216. Change RTV3311 to two credits focused on sound


Liberal Arts and Sciences

217. JPN 1130 change prereq and description

218. HBR 3411 Update

219. HBR 3410 Update

220. STA 4210 Edit course description.


Public Health and Health Professions 

221. SPA4321 Audiologic Rehabilitation Course Modification

222. SPA4302 Intro to Audiology and Hearing Course Modification

223. SPA4250 Introduction to Speech Disorders Course Modifications

224. SPA3101 Speech Anatomy and Physiology Course Modification

225. SPA3011 Speech Acoustics Course Modifications

226. SPA4004 Language Development Course Modification

227. SPA4400 Introduction to Language Disorders Course Modification

228. SPA 4104 Neural Basis of Communication Course Modification



Proposed New Joint Courses:


Design, Construction and Planning

229. LAA4XXX_Landscape Ecology and Management

230. LAA4210_Landscape Architecture Professional Practice



231. EEL4/5 Systems on Chip request for permanent number

232. CIS 4XXX 3D Audio for Computer Interfaces - Undergraduate Students


Liberal Arts and Sciences 

233. GLY4XXX/(6XXX) Survey of Geobiology and Astrobiology


Proposed Changes to Joint Courses:


Updates from the Graduate School:

Graduate Council Meeting (2/20/25)

Concentration Closure:

The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering closed the Geographic Information Systems concentration for the Master of Engineering (M.E.) and the Master of Science (M.S.) with a major in Civil Engineering (#13819).


Major Modifications:

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences modified the curriculum for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) with a major in Statistics (#20870).

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences suspended admission to the major in Religion for the Master of Arts (M.A.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (#20807).


Degree/Major Curriculum Modification:

The College of Public Health and Health Professions modified the curriculum for the Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degree with a major in Public Health (#20946).


New Degree

The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering seeks to create a new degree of Master of Science with a major in Engineering Management and a concentration in Data Analytics (in-person synchronous and on-line asynchronous) out of the Jacksonville campus (#20063).


Online Modality Authorization for Master’s Degree

Note to File Created: Online modality (M.A. with a Major in Economics and a Concentration in Econometric & Data Analysis) (#21026) allowing for student group to be created in SIS and an additional admission path in SLATE.