University Curriculum Committee - Agenda February 18, 2025
The UCC will meet on Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 at 1:00p.m. in the Reitz Union Senate Chambers.
February 2025 Review Document
- FOR Course Prefix being replaced with FNR
- Verbiage update to Course Evaluation information on Syllabus Policy
- Update on Course Description Taskforce - Toby
- Faculty Senate Update for UCC Review of 5000 Level Courses
- Transition of Hamilton Center to Hamilton School for Classical and Civic Education
Quest Update
Faculty Senate Updates
Academic Calendar Information Iterm (January Meeting)
Updates from Academic Assessment Committee - Dr. Lissette Tolentino
1. February AAC meeting had 7 requests; 5 CA and 2 approved
2. The next meeting is on March 11th and the deadline for submissions is Friday February 28th. Note, this is the last date to submit changes to undergrad program SLOs for the 25-26 AY.
3. Moving forward the AAC will kindly require that submissions include track changes if applicable.
1. Bachelor of Science in Industrialized Construction Engineering
2. Chemical Engineering Curriculum change
3. EVE major change – replace COP2271 with COP2273
Public Health and Health Professions
4. BPH Major Curriculum Modifications
Health and Human Performance
5. Health Education & Behavior CHP Replace SYG in Semester Plan
6. Health Education & Behavior PHS Replace SYG in Semester Plan
Agricultural and Life Sciences
7. Minor – UF Online – Agricultural Curriculum and Development
8. Changes to the Biomolecular Engineering Minor
New Undergraduate Certificates
- None
Changes to Existing Certificates
Agricultural and Life Sciences
9. Fire Ecology and Management Undergraduate Certificate – admission requirements change for catalog
Proposed New Undergraduate Courses:
Agricultural and Life Sciences
10. FAS 4XXX Applied Aquaculture Genetics
11. FNR 2XXX: Conserving Nature for Whom? (Q2 Perm.)
12. ARH 1XXX - Art Crime (Q1 Perm)
13. ARH 1XXX - The Nature, Matter, and Agency of Magic (Q1 Perm)
14. ART 1XXX - Art and Global Citizen (Quest 1 Perm)
15. ART 1XXX - Visual Meaning and Representation (Quest 1 Perm)
16. DIG 1XXX - A Life Well-Played (Q1 Perm)
17. DIG 1XXX - AI and Art/Science/Fiction (Q1 Perm)
18. GRA 1XXX - Design and Identity in Everyday Life (Quest1 Perm)
19. MUS 1XXX - Artistic Revelation
20. MUS 1XXX - Music and Social Engagement with the Environment (Q1 Perm)
21. MUS 1XXX - Music: The Ultimate Time Capsule (Quest 1 Perm)
22. MUS 1XXX - Social Impact of Music Entrepreneurs (Quest 1 Perm)
Design, Construction and Planning
23. BCN 2XXX Fundamentals of Industrialized Construction
24. BCN 2XXX Integrated Construction Planning, Scheduling, and Estimating
25. BCN 4XXX Reality Computing and the Built Environment
26. DCP 4XXX Circular Economy Undergraduate level BS Sustainability and the Built Environment
27. DCP 4XXX Life Cycle Assessment
28. SDS 3XXX A Guide to College and Sexuality
Hamilton Center
30. ISS 2XXX History of Ideas Colloquium
31. ISS 3XXX Contemporary Challenges
32. ISS 3XXX Statecraft and Strategy
33. ISS 3XXX Theoretical Frameworks
35. ISS 3XXX War
35. ISS 4XXX American Government, History, Literature, and Law Research Seminar
36. ISS 4XXX War, Statecraft, and Strategy Research Seminar
Liberal Arts and Sciences
38. IDS1XXX: Messages, Media, Social Self
39. IDS1XXX: Russian Fairy Tales
40. PHI1XXX: AI, Philosophy & Society
41. WOH 1XXX: Pirates and Piracy: A Global History (Q1 Perm.)
42. BSC2XXX: Is Animal Migration Disappearing?
43. GLY2XXX: Hazards and Humans
44. POS 4XXX — Racial Politics in Latin America
Changes to Undergraduate Courses:
Agricultural and Life Sciences
45. AEB2935 Food and Resource Economics Seminar
46. Add a pre-requisite to ECH 3101 Process Thermodynamics
47. CEN 4907C - Computer Engineering Design 1 (Modification)
48. Changes to BME 3406 -- Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering
50. Prerequisite change for CIS4360
Hamilton Center
51. ISS 3930 Special Topics in PPEL - Modify Course Credit
52. ISS 3444 Major Figures of PPEL - Modify Course Title
Journalism and Communications
53. Change prerequisites for ADV4941
54. Repeated Enrollment in ADV4941 Advanced Advertising Internship
Liberal Arts and Sciences
55. CHM2095 - Applied General Chemistry 1- Change course name
56. CHM2095L - Applied General Chemistry 1 Lab - Change course name
57. CHM2096 - Applied General Chemistry 2 - Change course name
58. CHM2096L - Applied General Chemistry 2 Lab - Change course name
59. ENC 3254 -- Professional Writing in the Disciplines
61. SPC4710-Patterns of Intercultural Communication
62. SYG2430 - Marriage and Family
Proposed New Joint Courses:
Liberal Arts and Sciences
63. WST 4XXX AdvBlackFem_MethodsFutures
Changes to Joint Courses:
- None
Proposed New 5000 Level Courses:
Changes to 5000 Level Courses:
- None