University Curriculum Committee - Agenda - January 21, 2025
The UCC will meet on Tuesday, January 21st, 2024 at 1:00p.m. in the Reitz Union Senate Chambers.
January 2025 Review Document
Updates | Dr. Toby Shorey
- Resolution on Removing the UCC 5000 Level Course Evaluation Requirement from the Faculty Senate Bylaws - Voting Item
- Course Description Discussion and Task Force Reminder
- Homecoming: October 18, 2025
- GEW4930 - Rotating Topic Correction
- ANT4552 - Fix Double Prereq Listing
- General Education Clarification of Objectives and SLOs for Syllabuses
- General Education Process Update - Current Step and Registrar Reconciliation
- Relevel Approved Upper Division General Education Courses
Quest Update | Kendall Kroger
- Quest Day March 12th, 2025
- Quest Director
Approval of December Minutes
Faculty Senate Updates
- 2029-2030 Academic Calendar
Updates from Academic Assessment Committee - Dr. Lissette Tolentino
Approved items:
Modify the graduate/professional degree MD-PhD program (#20710)
Revised Academic Program Goals for SACS Report (#20627)
Modify AAP for MID program (#20158)
Recycled Items:
Modify Graduate Academic Assessment Plan (#20701)
Graduate program goals and SLOs (#20699)
AAP modification for Sustainable Agroecosystems Graduate Certificate (#20636)
Agricultural and Life Sciences
1. Curriculum revision: B.A. in Environmental Science
2. Curriculum revision: B.S. in Environmental Science
Liberal Arts and Sciences
4. BS Geology: Geophysics Track
5. BS Environmental Geosciences
6. BS - Meteorology, Applied Meteorology - Alignment of Model Semester Plan with Requirements
7. BS - Meteorology, Broadcast Meteorology - Alignment of Model Semester Plan with Requirements
8. BS - Meteorology, General Atmospheric Science - Alignment of Model Semester Plan with Requirements
9. Minor-Health Disparities in Society
10. Minor-Theories and Politics of Sexuality
New Undergraduate Certificates
- None
Changes to Existing Certificates
Agricultural and Life Sciences
12. Horticultural Therapy Certificate change
Proposed New Undergraduate Courses:
Agricultural and Life Sciences
14. AEB 2XXX: The Economics of Eating (Q2 Perm.)
15. AEC 2XXX: People & Big Data: Building for a Sustainable Future (Q2 Perm.)
16. AOM 2XXX: Chocolate Science and Engineering for More Just Society (Q2 Perm.)
17. FRE 2XXX: Vauling Circular Food Economies (Q2 Perm.)
18. IDS 2XXX: Plants for Human Medicine (Q2 Perm.)
19. IDS 2XXX: Why Maps Matter (Q2 Perm.)
20. PLS 2XXX: The Evolution of Eating (Q2 Perm.)
21. HOS 2XXX: Ethnohorticulture - A Coevolution of Plants and People
Design, Construction and Planning
22. LAA 1XXX: Cultures of Landscapes in the American South (Q1 Perm.)
23. ABE 4XXX - Life Cycle Assessment in Water-Energy-Food Systems
24. CGN 4XXX Concrete Mixture Design
25. CGN 4XXX Engineering and Construction Analytics using BIM
Hamilton Center
26. AMS 2XXX - Classics of American Thought 1
27. AMS 2XXX - Classics of American Thought 2
28. AMS 3XXX - American Characters
29. AMS 3XXX - American Conflicts
30. AMS 3XXX - American Cultural Movements
33. ISS 2XXX - Grand Strategy 1
34. ISS 2XXX - Theories and Structures
Liberal Arts and Sciences
35. ANT 4940: Experiential Anthropology
36. AST 2XXX: Knowledge and the Universe
37. CHM 3XXX - Introduction to Analytical Chemistry for Majors
38. INR 4XXXC – Conflict, Gender and Data
39. IDS 2XXX: Privacy in the Digital Age (Quest 2 Permanent)
40. IDS 2XXX: The Story of French through Internet, AI, and Machine Translation
41. IDS 2XXX: Historical Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence
42. LIN 2XXX - Language and Computers (Quest 2 Permanent)
43. MAP 4XXX - Dynamical Systems and Chaos
45. POS 4XXX - Money & Politics
46. STA 2XXX: The Data Analytics Revolution in Sports (Q2 Perm.)
Changes to Undergraduate Courses:
47. CGN 3421 Computer Methods in Civil Engineering Prerequisite Change
48. EAS 4700 Aerospace Design 1: Change Prerequisites
49. EAS 4710 Aerospace Design 2: Change Prerequisites
50. EEL 3112 Circuit 2-pre-req change
52. ENV 4892 Environmental Engineering Design 1 course description change
Health and Human Performance
53. HFT 4517 - Event Venue Sales & Services
Liberal Arts and Sciences
54. ANT 3555 – Monkeys, Apes, and Lemurs
55. CHT 3523 Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Global Cinema
Public Health and Health Professions
56. CLP 4134 Introduction to Clinical Child/Pediatric Psychology Course Modification
57. CLP 4302 Introduction to Clinical Psychology Course Modification
58. CLP 4314 Introduction to Health Psychology
59. CLP 4420 Introduction to Neuropsychology Course Modification
Proposed New Joint Courses:
Liberal Arts and Sciences
60. POS 4XXX - Election Data Science (Undergrad)
Health and Human Performance
61. HFT 4XXX – Data Mining with Social Data
62. HFT 4XXX - Event Technology and Digital Marketing
63. HFT 4XXX - Risk, Liability, & Contract Management
Changes to Joint Courses:
- None
Proposed New 5000 Level Courses:
Liberal Arts and Sciences
64. GLY 5XXXC Analytical Methods in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Changes to 5000 Level Courses:
- None
Updates from the Graduate School:
- DCP withdrew their proposal from the 1/23/25 Faculty Senate Agenda to update the amount of credit for the MID degree