Academic Assessment Committee
Presidential Designee: Provost
Appointment: The President or the President's designee shall appoint six members to this committee, and the Senate shall elect six members from the faculty at large. Preference should be given to members with previous experience in assessment, curriculum development and evaluation and/or program accreditation. The student government shall select one non-voting student member.
Chair: The President or the President’s designee appoints the chair. A co-chair will be elected from and by the six Senate-elected members. (This election will take place during the last meeting of the committee in each spring semester so that committee leadership will be in place at the beginning of the following academic year.)
The Academic Assessment Committee shall review Academic Learning Compacts (ALCs) for all undergraduate programs, and all Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and program goals for each undergraduate, graduate, professional and certificate academic programs at the University. The committee reviews combination, joint, and dual degree program proposals to ensure that they meet accreditation requirements. The committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Institutional Assessment Plans for UF-wide programs such as General Education and Quality Enhancement Plan. The committee will provide an annual report of its work, findings, and recommendations to the Senate and the President or the President's designee.
Term: 3 years, staggered; 1 year - student
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Meets 2nd Tuesday, at 3:00 PM, in 239A Tigert Hall. (No meetings June, July, and August)
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