Food Service Advisory Committee

Presidential Designee:  Vice President for Business Affairs

Appointment:  By Vice President for Business Affairs via nominations. Student nominations via Student Government with at least 1 appointment to include IRHA President or designee and 1 appointment to include Reitz Union Board of Managers Chair or designee.

Chair:  Elected by Committee




  1. Advise the Vice President for Business Affairs and Director of the Auxiliary Service Division in matters of policy relating to the university-wide food service program.
  2. Make recommendations on ways to improve the food service program in areas of cycle menu planning, and meal plans.
  3. Evaluate Alachua County Health inspection reports and make recommendations on improvements.
  4. Make recommendations in long range planning on renovations, new facilities and new equipment purchases.
  5. Establish residence hall committees to work with individual food unit managers.

Term:  3 years, 1 year - Student

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