Food Service Advisory Committee
Presidential Designee: Vice President for Business Affairs
Appointment: By Vice President for Business Affairs via nominations. Student nominations via Student Government with at least 1 appointment to include IRHA President or designee and 1 appointment to include Reitz Union Board of Managers Chair or designee.
Chair: Elected by Committee
- Advise the Vice President for Business Affairs and Director of the Auxiliary Service Division in matters of policy relating to the university-wide food service program.
- Make recommendations on ways to improve the food service program in areas of cycle menu planning, and meal plans.
- Evaluate Alachua County Health inspection reports and make recommendations on improvements.
- Make recommendations in long range planning on renovations, new facilities and new equipment purchases.
- Establish residence hall committees to work with individual food unit managers.
Term: 3 years, 1 year - Student
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