University Curriculum Committee - October 15, 2019

The UCC will meet on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Chambers at the Reitz Union.


1. Approval of minutes of the September 16, 2019 meeting.


2. Update from the Faculty Senate.


3. Syllabus Policy Updates


4. University Of Florida Policy for Combination, Joint, and Dual Degrees. Tim Brophy



5. Proposed changes to Advertising Agency specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Michael Weigold


6. Proposed changes to Persuasive Messaging specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Michael Weigold


7. Proposed changes to Hispanic and Latin American Languages, Literatures and Linguistics Portuguese specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Joseph Spillane


8. Proposed new BA in Geographical Science and Sustainability, effective Summer B 2020. Joseph Spillane


9. Proposed specialization in Legal History, effective Summer B 2020. Joseph Spillane


10. Proposed degree in B.S in Marine Sciences CLAS, effective Summer B 2020. Joseph Spillane


11. Proposed degree in B.S in Marine Sciences CALS, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


12. Proposed changes to B.S Agricultural Operations Management major, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


13. Proposed changes to B.S Agricultural Operations Management major, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


14. Proposed changes to B.S Animal Sciences major, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


15. Proposed changes to Organic Horticultural Systems specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


16. Proposed changes to Plant Biotechnology and Improvement specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


17. Proposed changes to Science and Technology of Horticultural Crops specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


18. Proposal to terminate Horticultural Production specialization, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


19. Proposed minor in Pathogenesis, effective Summer B 2020. Joel H Brendemuhl


20. Proposed expansion in platform to UF Online for B.S Tourism, Event and Recreation Management, effective Summer B 2020. Christopher Janelle


21. Proposed changes to minor in Event Management UF Online, effective Summer B 2020. Christopher Janelle


22. Information item: universal tracking for the B.S Microbiology major, effective Summer B 2020.


Academic Assessment Committee 

23. Notice of items from the Academic Assessment Committee (information only).


Graduate School

24. Notice of items from the Graduate School (information only).




25. Notice of new graduate certificates (information only).


26. Notice of changes to graduate certificates (information only).



27. Proposed new undergraduate certificates.


28. Proposed changes to undergraduate certificates.



29. Proposed new professional certificates.


30. Proposed changes to professional certificates.




31. Proposed new undergraduate courses.

Agricultural and Life Sciences



Health and Human Performance

Liberal Arts and Sciences

32. Proposed changes to undergraduate courses.




33. Proposed new professional courses.


34. Proposed changes to professional courses.




35. Proposed new joint courses.


36. Proposed changes to joint courses.



37. Proposed new 5000 level courses.


38. Proposed changes to 5000 level courses.



39. Notice of new graduate courses (information only).


40. Notice of changes to graduate courses (information only).