Academic Assessment Committee - January 10, 2012 Agenda

January 10, 2012, 3:00pm
Provost's Conference Room - 239 Tigert Hall

Timothy S. Brophy, Director of Institutional Assessment, Chair
Joanne Foss, Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs, PHHP, Co-Chair


1. Welcome

2. Approval of December 13, 2011 meeting minutes (.pdf)

3. ALC revision proposals

a. Business - ALC Revisions - attached

BABA General Studies (.pdf)

BSBA Economics (.pdf)

BSBA Finance (.pdf)

BSBA Information Systems (.pdf)

BSBA General Buisness (.pdf)

BSBA Management (.pdf)

BSBA Marketing (.pdf)

b. HHP - Athletic Training - pending

c. CALS - Communication and Leadership - specialization discussion

d. Still pending from November 8:


ii. Food Science

4. Institutional Effectiveness Plan for UF - overview (.docx)

5. Other

Common Elements of ALCs (.pdf)