UF Core Values Advisory Council

Presidential Designee:  Provost

Appointment:  By the President or the President's designee.

Chair:  Elected by Committee. One Chair from Faculty or Staff. One Co-Chair from Graduate, Professional, or Undergraduate Students.


This Council serves the University of Florida President, who will consider recommendations and advice provided by this body. The primary responsibilities of this Council are as follows:
1. Advise the University of Florida President in how to best engage the campus in the UF Core Values and, under guidance of the President, fulfill the following responsibilities:
2. Educate the UF community and stakeholders on the UF Core Values and their relevance in defining our Gator identity and culture.
3. Inventory and evaluate best practices that exemplify UF’s Core Values and recommend areas of opportunity to enhance operationalization and implementation of UF’s Core Values.
4. Celebrate exemplars of UF Core Values by identifying and recommending avenues for recognition of administrators, faculty, staff, students, and alumni/other constituents who demonstrate the application of core values in practice. Oversee selection of recipients.
5. Plan activities that encourage UF community-wide focus and embedding of UF’s Core Values into everyday new and existing practices and operations.
6. Communicate to the UF community and stakeholders the relevance of the UF Core Values, results of inventories and evaluations, and impacts of activities designed to embed the UF Core Values into UF’s fabric.
7. Serve as a resource to UF community members reaching out for advice or guidance on existing and potential opportunities to incorporate core values into unit activities.

Term:  The term of this Council is 3 years. In order to ensure alignment of the mission of this Council with that of the UF President, at the end of 3 years (Spring 2025), the UF President will determine to renew, revise, or not renew this Council for another 3 years. The Council may be renewed as many times as appropriate in the future. Non-student members: 3 years with possibility of renewal. Student members: a minimum of 2 years desired with possibility of extension to 3 years if feasible. If possible, student appointments will be staggered to ensure continuity.

Short URL:  http://fora.aa.ufl.edu/go/164

Meeting scheduled for January 31, 2023 from 3:00-4:00 p.m. in 239 Tigert Hall.  Zoom available upon request.  

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