General Education Committee - Agenda: March 7th, 2025

General Education Committee Agenda


                                           March 7, 2025

                                      9:00 am – 10:30 am

                       Meeting Location: President's Conference Room, Tigert 226







1. Approval of February Minutes

2. Updates

3. Information Items 

4. Course Requests (Quest/GenEd)

5. Sub-Committee Updates

6. General Discussion





AOM 2XXX: Chocolate Science and Engineering for a More Just Society (Q2 Perm.)   Reyes De Corcuera, Jose I.
IDS 2XXX: Privacy in the Digital Age (Quest 2 Permanent)  Bacsik,Angela
ARC 1XXX - What is a City? (Q1 Perm)    Gamble, Sarah
SYA4506 Writing in Sociology  Koropeckyj-Cox,Tatyana
AST 2XXX: Knowledge and the Universe  Sell, Paul
AEB 2XXX: Valuing Circular Food Economies (Q2 Perm.)  Clark, Jennifer
LIN 2XXX – Language and Computers (Quest 2 Permanent)  Meller, Sarah
AMS 2XXX – America: Great Debates – (Q2 Permanent)  Mastrogiovanni, Jason
LAA 1XXX: Cultures of Landscapes in the American South (Q1 Perm.)  Serrano, Nicholas
IDS 2XXX: Why Maps Matter (Q2 Perm.)                        Good, Ryan
PLS 2XXX: The Evolution of Eating (Q2 Perm.)  Koenig, Rosalie
CHM2096L: Chemistry Lab 2 for Engineers - Adding Gen Ed (P) Designation  Korolev, Maria
CHM2095L: Chemistry Lab 1 for Engineers - Adding Gen Ed (P)  Korolev, Maria