General Education Committee - Agenda: February 7th, 2025

General Education Committee Agenda


                                           February 7, 2025

                                      9:00 am – 10:30 am

                       Meeting Location: President's Conference Room, Tigert 226







1. Approval of January Minutes

2. Updates

3. Information Items 

4. Course Requests (Quest/GenEd)

5. Sub-Committee Updates

6. General Discussion





CHM2095L: Chemistry Lab 1 for Engineers - Adding Gen Ed (P)  Korolev,Maria
CHM2096L: Chemistry Lab 2 for Engineers - Adding Gen Ed (P) Designation   Korolev,Maria
GEO3334 add writing requirement Mullens,Esther
SYPXXX-The Quest for Wisdom and Human Flourishing  Ardelt,Monika
IDS1XXX: Mathematics and the Humanities  Christodoulopoulou, Konstantina
AST 2xxx Are We Alone? Searching for ET Life (Permanent Q2)  Marinas,Naibi
ISS 1XXX:  Conflict and Character: Great Books in the Ancient World (Q1 Perm.)  McPherson, David
ISS 1XXX:  War and the Human Condition (Q1 Perm.)  Pinkoski, Nathan
ISS 1XXX: Capitalism and its Critics (Q1 Perm.)  Pinkoski, Nathan
ISS 1XXX: Life, Liberty, and Happiness (Q1 Perm.)  Skjönsberg, Max
ISS 1XXX: Rhetoric and Leadership (Q1 Perm.)  Stone, Robert
ISS 1XXX: Religion, Revolution, and the Person (Q1 Perm.)  Siljak, Ana
AMS 1XXX: What is America For? (Q1 Perm.)  Zubia, Aaron Alexander