General Education Committee - Agenda: December 6th, 2024

General Education Committee Agenda


                                           December 6, 2024

                                      9:00 am – 10:30 am

                       Meeting Location: President's Conference Room, Tigert 226







1. Welcome

2. Course Requests (Quest/GenEd):

3. Information Items

4. Sub-Committee Updates

5. General Discussion






CHM2050 - Honors General Chemistry I

Angerhofer, Alexander

URP1XXX - This Must Be the Place

Dedenbach, Laura

IND 1XXX - Design for Humanity: Intention, Consequence and Change

MeNeely, Jason

ISS 1XXX: Why Spy?

Herwig, Megan

ISS 1XXX - Ancients and Moderns

Mastrogiovanni, Jason

ADV2XXX: Collaboration with AI for Solving Social Problems: AI-Assisted Media Content Creation for Science/Public Communication


Moon, Won Ki
LAA 1XXX - Urban Nature and Society Manley, Daniel
ISS 1XXX: What is the Common Good? Casanova, Carlos
ISS 1XXX: The Politics of Nature Chandran, Amy
AMS 1XXX: The American Idea Hooks, James
ISS 2XXX - The Rule of Law Mastrogiovanni, Jason
ISS 1XXX: The End of Empires: Imperialism to Decolonization Crowcroft, Barnaby
ISS 1XXX: Freedom and Equality Collins, Jeffrey
ISS 1XXX: Religious Freedom in Historical Perspective Collins, Jeffrey
ISS 1XXX: Comedy and Citizenship Ingram, Jill
ISS 2XXX - What is Statecraft? Mastrogiovanni, Jason
ISS 1XXX: Utopias and Dystopias Davies, Eloise
ISS 1XXX: Romanticism: The Storm of Feeling Dusenbury, David
ISS 1XXX: The Crisis of Liberalism Englert, Gianna
ISS 1XXX: God and Science Hooks, James
AMS 2XXX - America: Great Debates Mastrogiovanni, Jason
ISS 1XXX: Immortality Gassman, Matthias
ISS 1XXX: Why Fight? Greene, Clay
ISS 1XXX: Who Am I? The Self from Antiquity to 1700 Gunther, Karl
ISS 1XXX: What is Democracy? Lebovitz, Adam
ISS 1XXX - Faith and Reason in Jewish Thought Mastrogiovanni, Jason
ISS 1XXX - Political Violence and Power Mastrogiovanni, Jason