General Education Committee - Agenda: March 1, 2024

General Education Committee Agenda


March 1, 2024

9:00 am – 10:30 am

Meeting Location: Marston Library L136


Zoom Link



1. Welcome


2. Approval of February minutes.


3. Area Designation Revisions

4.General Education University-wide Audit Update


5. Course Requests (Quest/GenEd):

6. Subcommittee Updates:

7. General Discussion







AMS 2010: Civil Discourse and the American Political Order H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: The Crisis of Liberalism Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: What is Democracy?

Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000

Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: The End of Empires: Imperialism to Decolonization

Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000

Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Immortality Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Just War      Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: The Politics of Nature         Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Religion, Revolution, and the Person Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Religious Freedom in Historical Perspective Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Rhetoric and Leadership    Q1, H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Utopias and Dystopias Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: Why Spy? Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Robert Ingram
IDS 2935: AI Policy, Policies, and Policing Q1 Temp., H, & WR 2000 Zea Miller