Academic Assessment Committee - December 14, 2021 Agenda
Academic Assessment Committee
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 3:00 p.m.
239 Tigert Hall
Timothy S. Brophy, Director of Institutional Assessment, Chair
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the October 12 Meeting Minutes
3. AAP Approval Requests
Team I - Dr. Erik Black, Dr. Lilianny Virguez
Team II - Dr. Roger Maioli, Dr. Laura Spears
- Modification of DAT Program Academic Assessment Plan
- AAP and SLOs for new ISCS certificate program within APK
Team III - Christine Voigt, Dr. Shauna Buring
- Combination BSCM/MSCM Reaffirmation
- Cancer: Biology, Epidemiology, and Outcomes Certificate
- Masters of Science in Medical Sciences
Team IV - Dr. Chelsea Smartt, Ferol Carytsas
- Approval of Environmental Microbiology Certificate Assessment Plan
- BSEE SACSCOC Program Goals
- Youth Development and Family Sciences PHD AAP
4. UF Quest 1 Assessment, UF Quest 2 Pilot Update
5. 2022 Assessment Conference - review and approval of the conference communications
6. UF Journal update, The Journal of Assessment in Higher Education - Laura Spears, Maria Leite
Important dates:
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 11, 2022 3:00p.m.