Advisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs (previously Council of Associate Deans) - December 2023 Meeting

ACUA Agenda

Tigert 142 - Division of Student Life’s Conference Room

December 5, 2023 – 1:30-3:00 P.M.


I. Welcome/Opening– Angela Lindner, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs

    A. Goodbyes and Hellos


II. Guest Discussion:  Request for Feedback on Ways to Encourage Student Wellbeing in the Academic Enterprise at UF—Simone Liang, Student Senator, UF SG and Angela Lindner  

    A. Supporting information:  UF’s Membership in the Coalition for Transformational EducationGallup Foundation’s Big 6 Student Experiences Spring 2023 Boyer Report Discussions Compiled.pdf 


III. LAC Scholarship Program (Continued from November): Erica Studer-Byrnes (WCOB), Chris Janelle (HHP), Brande Smith (Office of General Counsel), Casey Bullock (Registrar)


IV. Brief Updates from ACUA Members and Partners [Opportunity to share updates, ask questions, encourage information-sharing between ACUA members and partners] 


V. Items from the Floor (All) 


VI. Closing and Next Steps (Lindner) 


Mission of the Advisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs

The Advisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs (ACUA) is an advisory council to the Office for Undergraduate Affairs. The Advisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs (ACUA) is an advisory board for the Office for Undergraduate Affairs (OUA). Members of ACUA represent all undergraduate-degree-granting colleges at UF and representatives from the Division of Student Life and Division of Enrollment Management. The primary responsibilities of ACUA involve academic and/or College student life of undergraduate students. ACUA is responsible for advising the OUA on all aspects of the undergraduate experience. Additionally, ACUA may discuss specific topics of importance to the university and/or colleges as a means of offering guidance and best practices to assist and enhance the work of the OUA. Furthermore, ACUA provides support for each member in accomplishing the work within her/his respective college/unit.