Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars (ADTS) - 2019 Inductees

The Provost announces the 2019 inductees into the University of Florida's Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars

Each year the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars (ADTS) honors University of Florida’s exceptional teaching and scholarship accomplishments by inducting into its membership faculty members who have demonstrated sustained innovation and commitment in both areas. Please join me in welcoming the 2019-2020 inductees:

Professor, School of Teaching and Learning, College of Education

Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering​

These teacher-scholars were selected based on portfolio submissions that provided strong evidence of the integration of superior teaching and research and a record of distinguished scholarly accomplishment that has garnered recognition at the national and/or international level.

To assist them in advancing their vision for scholarly excellence and faculty enhancement at UF, these Academy of Distinguished Scholars inductees will serve for three years on an advisory board for the Provost’s Office. In this capacity they assist in developing programs and promoting policies that enhance the professional careers and experiences of faculty. Academy members also promote a university-wide discourse on key issues surrounding the integration of teaching and research at the University.

After completing their three-year terms on the advisory board, members will retain the title of Distinguished Teaching Scholar and continue to be a part of the Academy.


Dr. Elizabeth Bondy is a faculty member in and former director of the School of Teaching and Learning in the College of Education, where her specialization area is Teachers, Schools, and Society.

Professor Bondy studies the preparation and ongoing professional development of educators who work with low income, students of color. A frequent presenter at the annual meetings of the National Association of Multicultural Education, the Association of Teacher Educators, and the American Educational Research Association, Dr. Bondy has published her research in journals such as Equity and Excellence in Education, Urban Education, The Urban Review, Teaching and Teacher Education, Educational Leadership, and Action in Teacher Education. Dr. Bondy has won awards for her scholarship and her teaching, including the University of Florida’s Research Professorship, Teacher of the Year, and Dissertation Mentor of the Year. She recently completed a four-year assignment as Principal Investigator on a Florida Department of Education funded grant called Advancing the Development of Preservice Teachers (ADePT). In the summer of 2019 she will become Principal Investigator of a school reform partnership with a failing elementary school.


Dr. Mark Law is the Director of the University of Florida Honors Program. Previously, he has been Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering (2009-14) and chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2003-09). At UF, he has been named the College of Engineering Teacher of the Year in 1996-97 and a UF Research Fellow in 1998.  Most recently he has taught Honors courses in Professional Development, Hamilton, Engineering the Renaissance, and The Martian.  

His current research interests are in integrated circuit devices, reliability, and superconducting circuits. Dr. Law was named an IEEE Fellow in 1998 for his contributions to integrated circuit process modeling and simulation. He has won several national and international awards based on this work including a 1992 NSF Presidential Faculty Fellow, 1993 SRC Technical Excellence Award, the 2006 SRC Aristotle Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Advising, the 2010 IEEE EDS J.J. Ebers Award, the 2013 SIA University Research Award, and the 2013 SEMI North America award.