University Curriculum Committee - September 15, 2020
The UCC will meet on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Via ZOOM.
The link to the meeting will be sent via separate email.
1. Approval of minutes of May 12, 2020 meeting. | Dr. Lindner
2. Election of the Committee Co-Chair. | Dr. Lindner
3. Update from the Faculty Senate. | Dr. Haddad
4. Year in View for UCC. | Dr. Lindner
Information Items
5. Proposed New Spring 2021 Schedule | Dr. Lindner
7. Proposed change of name to the Department of Telecommunication, effective Summer 2021. | Dr. Babanikos
8. Proposed new specialization in Geographical Science and Sustainability for the B.A in Geography, effective Summer 2021. | Dr. Spillane
Academic Assessment Committee
9. Notice of items from the Academic Assessment Committee (information only).
- Approved Advanced Engineering Ceramics Certificate
- Approved Materials Science Metallurgical Engineering Certificate
- Approved Materials Science and Engineering Biomaterials Certificate
- Approved Materials Science and Engineering Polymer Science and Engineering Certificate
Graduate School
10. Notice of items from the Graduate School (information only).
Modified the curriculum for the Master of Fine Arts degree with a major in Design and Visual Communications. (14811)
Renamed the current M.S. with a major in Tourism and Recreation Management (TRM) program to an M.S. with a major in Tourism and Hospitality Management (THM). (14670)
Created a new interdisciplinary graduate Ph.D. degree program with a major in Plant Breeding. (14426)
Terminated the Ph.D. degree with a major in Health Services Research. (14636)
11. Notice of new graduate certificates (information only).
New graduate certificate in Science Communications. (14781)
New graduate certificate in Curatorial Studies. (14604)
12. Notice of changes to graduate certificates (information only).
- None
13. Proposed new undergraduate certificates.
- None
14. Proposed changes to undergraduate certificates.
- None
15. Proposed new professional certificates.
- None
16. Proposed changes to professional certificates.
- None
17. Proposed new undergraduate courses.
Agricultural and Life Sciences
- FIN 3124 Introduction to Financial Planning & Wealth Management
- FIN 4128 Financial Plan Development
- FIN 4132 Estate & Tax Planning
- QMB 3XXX Foundations of Business Analytics & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- RMI 3011 Risk Management and Insurance
Public Health and Health Professions
18. Proposed changes to undergraduate courses.
Agricultural and Life Sciences
- CNT 4007 Computer Network Fundamentals
- EAS 4300 Aerospace Propulsion
- EAS 4810C Aerospace Sciences Lab and Design
- EEL 4948 Practical Work in Electrical and Computer Engineering
- EMA 3050 Introduction to Inorganic Materials
- EMA 3066 Introduction to Organic Materials
- EMA 3080C Materials Laboratory I
- EML 3005 Mechanical Engineering Design 1
- EML 3301C Mechanics of Materials Lab
- EML 4410 Combustion Engineering
- ENV 3040C Computational Methods in Environmental Engineering
Health and Human Performance
Journalism and Communications
- JOU 4201 News Center Practicum
- PUR 3463 Sports Communication
- PUR 4100L Public Relations Writing
- PUR 4801C Public Relations Campaigns
- PUR 4932 Special Study
- PUR 4940 Public Relations Internship
19. Proposed new professional courses.
- LAW 5755 Introduction to Lawyering
- LAW 6XXX Arbitration Law
- LAW 6XXX Complex Civil Litigation
- LAW 6XXX Education Law
- LAW 6XXX Electronic Discovery
- LAW 6XXX Environmental Capstone Colloquium
- LAW 6XXX Florida Constitutional Law
- LAW 6XXX Social Science, Crime and Law
- LAW 6XXX Wetlands and Watershed
20. Proposed changes to professional courses.
- DEN 5405C Preclinical Operative Dentistry 1/Biomaterials
- DEN 6407C Preclinical Operative Dentistry II
- DEN 6408C Preclinical Operative Dentistry III
21. Proposed new joint courses.
Agricultural and Life Science
Liberal Arts and Sciences
- LIN 4XXX Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
- LIN 4XXX Introduction to Data-Driven Learning
- LIN 4XXX Methods in Language Documentation
22. Proposed changes to joint courses.
- None
23. Proposed new 5000 level courses.
- None
24. Proposed changes to 5000 level courses.
- None
25. Notice of new graduate courses (information only).
- CCJ 6942 Applied CJ Research Project (14462)
- EEL 5XXX Fundamentals of RF and Power Electronic Devices (13175)
- MCB 5XXX Antimicrobial Resistance (14385)
- BSC 6452 Computational Tools for Research in Biology (14166)
- GMS 6XXX Principles of Forensic Psychology (12925)
- LIN 6XXX Stats for Linguists (14027)
- VME 6XXXC Advanced Small Animal Airway and Thoracic Surgery (14615)
- VME 6XXXL VMS Graduate Journal Club: Mucosal Immunology (14570)
26. Notice of changes to graduate courses (information only).
- ACG 7885 Accounting Research 1 (14922)
- DIE 6944 Dietetic Internship II (14021)
- EDH 6360 Foundations and Functions of College Student Personnel (14133)
- PHC 7083 Computational Epidemiology in Population Science Modification (14937)