University Curriculum Committee - Agenda: February 20, 2024

University Curriculum Committee – Agenda: February 20, 2024


The UCC will meet on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., in the Reitz Union Senate Chambers

Zoom Link


February Review Document



  1. Updates | Dr. van Oostrom
  2. Approval of January and December minutes.
  3. Faculty Senate Updates | Dr. Baweja


4. Requested Removal of Prerequisites for the Bachelor of Arts in Art History in the College of the Arts. | Melissa Hyde | 19089

5. Modifications to the Graphic Design Bachelor of Arts Curriculum in the College of the Arts. | Melissa Hyde | 19113

6. Modifications to the Art Bachelor of Arts Curriculum in the College of the Arts. | Melissa Hyde | 19114

7. Modifications to the Art Bachelor of Fine Arts Curriculum in the College of the Arts. | Melissa Hyde | 19115

8. Modifications to the Bachelor of Science Environmental Engineering Curriculum in the College of Engineering | Elliot Douglas | 19130

9. Modifications to the Undergraduate, Innovation Minor (AI Track) | Jeffrey Citty | 19456

10. Modification to the Bachelor of Science Microbiology and Cell Science Curriculum in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences | Leandro Dias Teixeira | 18969




11.  New Undergraduate Certificates: 


12. Changes to Existing Certificates: 


Course Recommendations: 


13. Proposed New Undergraduate Courses: 


Agricultural and Life Sciences




Health and Human Performance



Journalism and Communications





Liberal Arts and Sciences




Public Health and Health Professions





14. Proposed Changes to Undergraduate Courses: 


Design, Construction and Planning








Liberal Arts and Sciences




Public Health and Health Professions



15. Updates from the Graduate School


  1. The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering seeks to modify the curriculum for the graduate certificate in Engineering Leadership (#18936).
  2. The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering seeks to modify the curriculum for the graduate certificate in Engineering Project Management (#18937).



  1. The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences seeks to create an online graduate concentration in Microbial and Cellular Data Science for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (#18948).
  2. The College of Pharmacy seeks to close the graduate concentration in Personalized Medicine for the Master of Science in Pharmacy (M.S.P) with a major in Pharmaceutical Sciences (#19120).


16. Academic Assessment Committee


Bachelor of Fine Arts: Performance (Musical Theatre)

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

Bachelor of Fine Arts: Performance (Acting)

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

Bachelor of Arts: Theatre (General)

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

Bachelor of Fine Arts : Dance

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

Undergraduate Engineering Leadership Certificate Academic Assessment Plan - Revisions

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

AAP Updated Curriculum Map to include Undergraduate Research or Internship, Modification to Program Goal #1

Recycled (Feb 13, 2024)

Bachelor of Arts: Dance -- ALC

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

Bachelor of Arts: Theatre (Stage Management)

Approved (Feb 13, 2024)

AI Fundamentals and Applications AAP

Approved (January 22, 2024)