General Education Committee - Agenda: February 21, 2014

                                                                              General Education Committee Agenda

                                                                                            February 21, 2014


                                                                                    226 Tigert Hall Conference Room


  1. Approval of draft minutes from February 7th meeting
  2. Courses for Review: (Click on Title for supporting materials)
Course# Title Current GE & WR Request Status
FOS 2001 Man's Food (This course was tabled at the November 15th meeting) B To keep current designation of (B)  

       3.  Recertification of Courses - ECO 2013 Principles of Macroeconomics
       4.  2015 Gen Ed Program
               6.017 Criteria for Awarding the Baccalaureate Degree
       5.  Example Syllabus