General Education Committee - Agenda: April 17, 2014
General Education Committee Agenda
April 17, 2014
226 Tigert Hall Conference Room
1. Recertification of Courses – (the remaining courses to consider)
AFH 2000, AFH 2450, AMH 2020, ANT 2000, BSC 2010, CHM 2014;
GEO 3430, MAC 2311, MGF 1106, MGF 1107, PHI 2010, PHY 2020-1;
PHY 2020-2, PHY 2048, PHY 2053, POS 2041, PSY 2012, REL 2174
STA 2023, THE 2000
2. Discussion of proposals for the Grand Challenges Core
3. Gen Ed Assessment Sub-Committee Report