Academic Assessment Committee - September 10, 2013 Agenda
Academic Assessment Committee Meeting
September 10, 2013 - 3:00p.m.
Provost's Conference Room, 239 Tigert Hall
Timothy S. Brophy, Director of Institutional Assessment, Chair
Joanne Foss, Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs, PHHP, Co-Chair
1. Welcome and introductions - new and returning members
2. Approval of the May 14, 2013 meeting minutes
3. Update on the SACSCOC Compliance Report - Cheryl Gater
4. Analysis of the 2011-12 Assessment data reports in Compliance Assist - Rajeeb Das
5. Approval Requests
5a. Undergraduate AAPs
DCP Bachelor of Design in Architecture
Sustainability & the Built Environment
Nuclear & Radiological Sciences Engineering
Journalism & Communication
CLAS Modern European Studies (IDS)
PHHP Communication Sciences & Disorders
5b. Graduate AAPs
CLAS M.A.T. French and Francophone Studies
DCP Ph.D. Design, Construction and Planning
Master of Historic Preservation
Ph.D. Agricultural & Biological Engineering
M.E. Agricultural & Biological Engineering
M.S. Agricultural & Biological Engineering
M.S. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
M.S. Digital Arts and Sciences
PHHP Doctor Audiology
Ph.D. Communication Sciences & Disorders
M.A. Communication Sciences & Disorders
DVM Veterinary Medical Sciences
Ph.D. Veterinary Medical Sciences
M.S. Veterinary Medical Sciences
5c. Certificate AAPs
Fine Arts
6. Other
7. Next meeting: October 8, 2013