Academic Assessment Committee - May 14 2014 Agenda
Academic Assessment Committee Meeting
Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 3:00p.m.
Provost's Conference Room, 239 Tigert Hall
Timothy S. Brophy, Director of Institutional Assessment, Chair
Joanne Foss, Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs, PHHP, Co-Chair
1. Welcome
2. Approval of the April 16, 2014 meeting minutes
3. SLO changes
College of Education
i. Elementary Education –Bachelor’s Degree
ii. Special Education- Bachelor’s Degree
a. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
i. Certificate in Quantitative Fisheries Science
ii. Certificate in Leadership in Agriculture and Natural Resources (Graduate)
iii. Certificate in Aquaculture and Fish Health
iv. Certificate in Food Safety (Graduate)
v. Certificate in Environmental Education and Communication
vi. Certificate in Geomatics
vii. Certificate in Teaching and Learning (Graduate)
b. College of Fine Arts
i. Master of Arts in Arts in Medicine –New Graduate Academic Assessment Plan (MA)
ii. Certificate in Music Performance (Revised)
c. College of Journalism
i. Certificate in Social Media
ii. Certificate in Global Strategic Communication (Graduate)
d. College of Medicine
i. Aging and Geriatric Practice
ii. Certificate in Biomedical Neuroscience (Graduate)
e. College of Pharmacy
i. Certificate in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (Graduate)
f. College of Public Health and Health Professions
i. Certificate in Psychiatric Epidemiology
g. College of Veterinary Medicine
i. Certificate in Forensic Toxicology
6. Other items
7. Next meeting – September 9th, 2014 at 3 p.m. in the Provost's Conference Room, Tigert 239.