Academic Assessment Committee - March 12, 2013 Agenda
Group Pages
March 12, 2013, 3:00PM Agenda
Provost's Conference Room, 239 Tigert Hall
Timothy S. Brophy, Director of Institutional Assessment, Chair
Joanne Foss, Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs, PHHP, Co-Chair
1. Approval of the February 12, 2013 meeting minutes
2. Approval requests
- Revised SLO Change Requests
Graduate AAPs
- Master Accounting
- MS Info Systems & Op Management
- PhD Entomology & Nematology
- MS Entomology & Nematology
- MS Family Youth & Community Sciences
- PhD Microbiology & Cell Science
- MS Microbiology & Cell Science
- Doctor Plant Medicine
- PhD Botany
- MS Botany
- MST Botany
- PhD Chemistry
- MA Classical Studies
- PhD Classical Civilization (distance learning)
- PhD Latin & Romance Studies (distance learning)
- PhD Counseling Psychology
- PhD Criminology, Law, and Society
- MA Criminology, Law, and Society
- MEd English
- PhD Geography
- MA Geography
- MS Geography
- PhD Geology
- MS Geology
- MST Geology
- PhD History
- PhD Mathematics
- MA Mathematics
- MAT Mathematics
- MS Mathematics
- MST Mathematics
- MA Women's Studies
- PhD Zoology
- MS Zoology
- PhD Curriculum & Instruction
- MED Elementary Education
- MA Art History
- MA Museum Studies
3. Updates and Discussions
- Gen Ed Assessment update
4. Other
5. Next meeting: April 9, 2013