Student Petitions Committee
Presidential Designee: Vice President for Enrollment Management
Appointment: Six members appointed by the President or the President's designee, three elected by the Faculty Senate, and 2 student members. (11 members)
Chair: The Chair is appointed.
This committee shall act for the Senate on the petitions of students requesting waivers of University academic regulations except petitions requesting:
- late registration,
- exceptions to minimum-maximum load regulations,
- changes of schedule after the date authorized for such changes, and
- adding of courses after the date set in the University Calendar as the last time for adding courses.
These four kinds of petitions shall be acted on by the school or college in which the student is enrolled. Petitions approved by the school or college must be reported to the Registrar's Office before the action becomes official.
Term: Members, 3 years staggered; Liaison, N/A; Student 1 year.
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Meetings weekly, on Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 PM
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