Academic Personnel Board
Presidential Designee: Provost
Appointment: The President or the President's designee will appoint ten members, five of whom will be selected from a slate of nominees elected by the Faculty Senate from the faculty at large. All faculty nominees must be senior-ranked faculty members with strong teaching and research records, selected from a variety of disciplines. Eligible faculty members are those who have attained the highest promotional rank in the faculty title series to which they are appointed and who do not also have an academic administrative appointment. Three times as many nominees as openings will be provided annually. The Academic Personnel Board advises the President or the President's designee with respect to promotion and tenure nominations, serving in a fact-finding and consultative role. The Vice President for Research is also a member of the Board. The associate provost for academic affairs designated by the Provost serves as the secretary of the Board. The President may divide the Board into more than one working group to expedite the review of nominations.
Chair: Appointed by the President or the President's designee
Advise the President or the President's designee with respect to promotion and tenure nominations, serving in a fact-finding and consultative role.
Term: 3 years
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Meets weekly during spring semester, only.
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