Advisory Council for Undergraduate Affairs (previously Council of Associate Deans) - Agenda - October 4, 2016

ACUA Meeting Agenda

Heavener Hall 306

October 4, 2016

1:30-3:00 PM



  1. Welcome and Call for New Items (Lindner)
  2. Student Affairs Updates (Division of Student Affairs)
  3. Use of the SIDA System (Guest Lynn O’Sickey, AAC)
  4. Culture of 4-Year Graduation (Lindner and All)
    1. “Finish in 4” or similar campaign
    2. Thoughts on other ways to encourage 15 credit hours/semester or 30 credit hours/year
  5. Culture of Hospitality and Inclusion (Lindner and All)
    1. Current initiatives in colleges (All)
    2. November 5, 7 PM Unity Concert, PCPA
  6. Update on UF Quest (Lindner)
  7. College Snapshot (Kim Curry – Nursing)
  8. Info item- Honors Spreadsheet (Mark Law)
  9. Items from the Floor


ACUA Focus Areas for 2016